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Core Course/Recommended Courses

When core courses and recommended courses are provided by each research area of your department, take courses in accordance with the specific method.

Core coureses

  1. Bioethics
  2. Integrative Bioscience and Biomedical EngineeringA and B

Guidelines for earning a Master’s Degree

  1. To be granted a master’s degree, you must earn 30 or more credits, receive the requiredresearch guidance, and pass a master’s thesis review.
  2. Among the 30 credits required for the degree, 12 credits must be earned from seminarcourses. Each academic year, you must take the seminar courses provided by yoursupervisor. If more than 12 credits of seminar courses are taken, credits in excess of 12are not counted toward the number of credits required for the degree.
  3. Please note that Integrative Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering A (Bioethics) andIntegrative Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering B (Group discussion) are core(required) courses.
  4. Please consult with your supervisor regarding what other courses should be taken tofulfill the credit requirement toward your degree.


Students cannot obtain credits from combined undergraduate school lectures if they havealready earned them in undergraduate schools.

Guidelines for earning a Doctoral Degree

  1. Five credits must be earned from the list of prescribed group courses.
  2. One credit must be earned from the research ethics courses.
  3. One credit must be earned from the English course “Doctoral Student Technical Writing”.
  4. Three credits must be earned from the English courses (excluding the course named in 3 above), industrial society/liberal arts courses, innovator /entrepreneur training courses, orcourses offered by the department.
  5. For requirement 4. above, up to two credits from Master’s courses offered by thedepartment registered during the doctoral program may be counted towards doctoralcredits.

Research guidance

Master’s program

Course Name
Research on Medical Mechanical Engineering and its Application
Research on Biorobotics
Research on Biomolecular Engineering
Research on Molecular Biophysics
Research on Molecular Biophysics
Research on Integrative Brain Sciences
Research on Molecular Genetics
Research on Regulation Biology
Research on Molecular Physiology
Research on Environmental Ecology
Research on Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Research on Physicobiology
Research on Biomedical Robotics Engineering and its Application
Research on Medical Image Engineering and its Application
Research on Regenerative Medical Engineering and its Application
Research on Synthetic Biolog

Doctoral program

Course Name
Research on Medical Applications of Mechanical Engineering
Research on Biorobotics
Research on Molecular Biophysics
Research on Developmental Biology
Research on Integrative Brain Sciences
Research on Molecular Genetics
Research on Regulation Biology
Research on Molecular Physiology
Research on Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Research on Physicobiology
Research on Biomedical Robotics Engineering and its Application
Research on Medical Image Engineering and its Application
Research on Regenerative Medical Engineering and its Application
Research on Synthetic Biology